Katie Lynn Photography: Blog https://www.katielynnphotography.net/blog en-us (C) Katie Lynn Photography (Katie Lynn Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:01:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:01:00 GMT https://www.katielynnphotography.net/img/s/v-12/u16162927-o93002166-50.jpg Katie Lynn Photography: Blog https://www.katielynnphotography.net/blog 80 120 Shane & Ashlyn {Soon-to-be MR&MRS} https://www.katielynnphotography.net/blog/2016/3/shane-ashlyn-soon-to-be-mr-mrs Shane & Ashlyn Engagement Session

Shane and Ashlyn are going to be married this August here in the Green Bay area! These two are adorable, needless to say, and they also brought along their 2 pups for their engagement session. It was a blast hanging out and getting to know them both, playing around at a beautiful wildlife preserve, snapping some great shots at Lambeau Field, and ending at one of the best Breweries in town (Badger State Brewery)! Please stop by and take a look at all of their beautiful photos!

XOXO, Katie


All smiles! All smiles!

(Katie Lynn Photography) https://www.katielynnphotography.net/blog/2016/3/shane-ashlyn-soon-to-be-mr-mrs Fri, 18 Mar 2016 02:43:37 GMT
Mathias {Maternity} https://www.katielynnphotography.net/blog/2016/2/mathias-maternity Ben & Victoria's Maternity Session

Victoria and Ben are expecting their first little one, its a little girl! These two are adorable, needless to say. They made the perfect couple to be the first to participate in my maternity session for my blogging adventure. <3

Ask part of the session, Victoria filled out a little questionnaire, here are her answers:

What is the largest/impactful change on you in this pregnancy?

My Humility! LOL. Meaning I am a very "go get it" "do it yourself" kind of girl. I have always worked 2 jobs; I have no fear of home improvement projects; give me a saw and hammer and lets go!! But in becoming pregnant I have realized that people are not joking. Plenty of my friends, once they became pregnant, scaled back. However, I assumed that was just them and I would never be like that- how wrong I was!! In my first trimester I was so unbelievable exhausted- a level of uncontrollable, painful, near narcoleptic exhaustion the likes of which I had never experienced before. I HAD to scale back from working the normal 12-14 hours I put in every day. Now in my 3rd trimester, I have so many at home projects I would love to finish, but I am learning there are things that my body physically just cannot do. My center of gravity is off, my reflexes are different, I have this beautiful and perfect obstacle that protrudes from the front of me. There is still plenty I am capable of and I am in no way a couch potato! But it has been humbling to admit to things I cannot do, and ask for help.

Was there anything that has surprised you this far?

I am surprised at how easy it is? Luckily, I have been blessed with one crazy easy pregnancy. Everyone gives you that head tilted to the side, pity in their eyes "How ya feeling?" and follows it up with an "Oh just wait". So I kept waiting, scared for the horrors of pregnancy to rear their head..... But in reality my body must like this because I have been doing fantastic, and that was a bit of a surprise LOL. No one talks about positive pregnancy experiences; everyone wants to share the worst possible story they know with you.

Have you altered anything in your life that you didn't except would change in pregnancy?

Work has been a huge one, and my sleep. Work I didn't expect I would need to cut back so soon- I kept planning for after the baby came, then I realized what tiring busy work it is to grow a tiny human! I was always a super late night owl, going to bed at 2, or 3 am. The night I was fully convinced I was pregnant (or going to die) was the third day in a row I was going to sleep at 9:30 pm.

Is there any advise you wish someone had told you?

It doesn't have to be horrible. It can be amazing. And not just 'focus on the good' or 'its worth it'! But that truly the whole experience can be miraculous and all the horror stories everyone tells you, will not ALL happen to you lol. Take time, ahead of time, to think about what kind of doctor/midwife/doula, you are going to want.

What is a compliment other tell you that makes you joyful everything about your pregnancy?

Any compliment makes me joyful I would say! It is crazy how bonded pregnancy makes you. Other moms want to help you; give you hand me downs, or advise on different products

What is the one thing other say to you about pregnancy that makes your eyes roll?

All negatives: The 'enjoy sleep now' 'say good bye to your friends' kind of stuff. Obviously many things in life will change now that this tiny person requires all of your attention. But it just reminds me of when I got married and everyone gave their negative, crap, canned, cliché opinion. It feels like something they think they should say, but even they have no experience with. I say "good day to you sir"! Leave me alone with my hopes and aspirations and baby wearing and positive outlook.

What is the best gift for mom (or dad) to get at a baby shower (instead of a baby gift)?

A photographer; Even if the photographer doesn’t capture the birth itself, to have the first little baby pictures of toes, ears and noses.

What are you most fearful of in giving birth? How have you been working to over come it?

I am really working at not being fearful of birth at all. The whole process is something our bodies are made to do, and incredibly made at that!! I am nervous that I won't know when to go into the hospital, or make it there in time, or go too early and get sent home numerous times. But I think once I get there, they admit me, and I am in active for real labor- then I will just be all "OK, its GO time!"
Who do you look up to for guidance on raising your child?

So many wisdom sources!!
1. My Children's Church Pastor Carissa, who I mentor with for my Youth Leading is an AMAZING mom of 3 (soon to be 4). She has helped calm my nerves about a lot of things, we are very similar in style and she has helped to not panic about the weird things I would easily freak over, like which crib to pick.
2. My Mom, of course! But that is also hard, because the majority of her child rising was as an only Mom, and (besides me) during the 70's. So many things have changed since then. But some advice is timeless.
3. My best friends, both of which have had babies in the past 3 years. I ask them tons of stuff on what to expect and if they used certain things ever or if they just sat in the living room taking up space.

How did you prepare for this photo session? Clothing? Accessories?

How did you pick the location? Where any of these places important or significant in any way?

Freaked out for about a week about the outfit! LOL!! Your body is so different in pregnancy; I love the strength it has to grown and care for this life. But you look and feel so not like yourself. It is scary to document!! So I tried on my whole closet basically- actually, as I write this I haven't even fully chosen my ensemble yet
The Location is one of the few pretty ones in Marinette (by the light house) but it is also where my Hubby and I had our first date. It is crazy to look back at those photos of us 7 years ago, walking along the pier and to think of how far we have come.

A HUGE Thank you to Ben & Victoria for hanging out with me on a Sunday afternoon to capture these images, I hope you enjoy them!

xoxo, Katie

Photo location- Lighthouse pier, Marinette WI
Due Date- March 10th 2016
Gender of baby- Girl
First toy bought for baby- a little stuffed bear from Target
What food did you crave most- FRUIT! Ice Cream or anything dessert like. Cereal
Doctor/Hospital- The Midwifes at St Mary's in Green Bay
How did you tell you significant other?
The night I found out he was at work, so I went to Walmart and bough baby shoes, a tiny baseball glove and a pacifier. I put everything in a gift bag and then, they don't make "I am pregnant" cards? So I bought one that said THANKS across the front really big, and on the inside I wrote "for knocking me up"

(Katie Lynn Photography) Baby Bay Girl Green Lighthouse Maternity Menominee Michigan Photographer Wisconsin https://www.katielynnphotography.net/blog/2016/2/mathias-maternity Tue, 23 Feb 2016 00:57:54 GMT